Deadliest Selfies: Most Dangerous Selfies Ever Taken

deadliest selfies

Are you ready to dive into the world of daredevil deadliest selfies, where risking life and limb is just another day’s work? Well, hold onto your hats (or safety helmets) because we’re about to take a hilarious journey through the realm of death-defying self-portraits that make us question humanity’s quest for the perfect shot.

Let’s start with the basics:

selfies; We’ve all taken them, and let’s face it, your social media is probably swamped with them right now. It’s a selfie-saturated world out there, and you don’t even need to check – you know it’s true.

But here’s the kicker: selfies aren’t just your everyday, run-of-the-mill snapshots anymore. No, folks, they’ve gone extreme! In fact, between 2011 and 2017, a jaw-dropping 259 people met their maker while chasing the elusive perfect selfie, according to a study published by the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. Yes, you read that correctly! Selfies are officially a life-threatening sport.

So, what’s the thrill? Well, it seems like some folks have an unquenchable thirst for danger. They’ve decided that a skyscraper’s edge, a perilous cliff, a rickety bridge, or a giant friggen buffalo is the perfect backdrop for a photo to remember. Why? Maybe they’re adrenaline junkies. Perhaps they believe that life’s worth living on the edge. Or maybe, just maybe, they haven’t fully grasped the concept of danger.

ALL About the deadliest selfies

Let’s take a tour of some of the most mind-boggling, death-defying, deadliest selfies out there. First up, Yekaterinburg, Russia, where taking a selfie is apparently a dizzying experience, both figuratively and literally. Russia has seen such a surge in selfie-related injuries and deaths that it launched a “safe selfie” campaign. You know things are bad when your government has to tell you not to take life-threatening photos.

deadliest selfies

Then there’s Rio de Janeiro, where daredevils venture onto a bridge with active trains just for that adrenaline rush. Bridges seem to be a selfie magnet, with nearly a dozen people falling off of them while trying to snap the perfect pic since 2014. Seriously, guys, there are safer ways to achieve social media stardom.

But it’s not just Russia and Brazil. The selfie madness has spread worldwide. Take Daniel Lau, the daredevil photographer who regularly risks life and limb for that perfect shot. His Instagram feed is a literal playground of danger, where skyscrapers in Hong Kong provide the shocking backdrop for his death-defying art.

Then there’s Angela Nikolau, who hash-tagged her selfie from Tianjin, China, with #deadliest selfies. Because clearly, the risk of death is a small price to pay for likes and followers. How she even got to that precarious spot is a mystery for the ages.

deadliest selfies

But wait, there’s more! Lee Thompson, a travel blogger, was challenged by the Brazilian tourism board to snap a selfie from the top of Rio’s Christ the Redeemer statue. He survived, but did he really need to put his life on the line for a photo op?

Pamplona, Spain, is famous for its running of the bulls, a tradition dating back to 1591. Three people were gored in 2019, and none of them were taking deadliest selfies. So maybe, just maybe, running for your life is not the ideal time to be thinking about your social media game.

Now, meet Alexander Remnev, another selfie enthusiast who’s clearly too cool to care about the mortal peril he’s in while posing on skyscrapers in Shanghai and Hong Kong. He even asks his followers if they know how many people have died due to selfie incidents. It’s not exactly cocktail party conversation, but we’ll tell you anyway: way too many!

Volcano selfies have become a thing, so much so that the Royal Geographic Society in the UK had to warn people to stop due to deadly falls. George Kourounis, a National Geographic explorer, took it up a notch by getting frighteningly close to Vanuatu’s Ambrym volcano. Thank goodness for that protective suit, right?

But don’t worry, these daredevils claim to be advocates for responsible behavior. The guy diving with sharks, for instance, wants you to know that he’s been diving for over a decade and has done thousands of dives. In other words, he’s telling you not to try this at home (or in the ocean) without proper training. Thanks for the tip, Captain Obvious!

deadliest selfies

Horseshoe Bend

File:Horseshoe Bend panorama.jpg, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

A 14-year-old girl from sunny California took a fatal fall of a whopping 700 feet from the iconic Horseshoe Bend overlook. Ouch, that’s gonna leave a mark.

And would you believe it? This horrifying incident happened just seven months after a 33-year-old guy faced a similar fate at the same selfie spot. Talk about déjà vu, but in the worst possible way. Seriously, is there a curse on this place or something?

Anyway, this poor girl, who was visiting from San Jose, California, was reported missing by her family on Christmas Eve of all days. Can you imagine the gut-wrenching fear they must have felt? It breaks my heart. Her body was eventually spotted by an Arizona Department of Public Safety helicopter. Yeah, that’s not exactly the kind of holiday miracle we were hoping for.

Of course, authorities are investigating the incident and screaming from the mountaintops about the need for safety measures at this tourist hotspot known for its panoramic views of the mighty Colorado River. I mean, who knew that standing on the edge of a 700-foot drop could be dangerous? fake gasp Well, I guess now we all know.

Horseshoe Bend may be magnificent and tempting, but let’s be mindful of the risks involved. Cherish those breathtaking sights, but don’t forget to take a step back when necessary. At the end of the day, our lives are way more important than any Instagram-worthy photo. Stay safe, my fearless travelers, and let’s keep each other informed about potential dangers so we can explore this beautiful world with both confidence and caution.

Tragic Incident at Cabo da Roca, Portugal

Cabo Da Roca
Olga1969, CC BY 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons
 Well, well, well, folks, we’ve got ourselves another tragic incident. sigh Brace yourselves for a heartbreaker in Portugal. A Polish couple had a fatal fall from some rocky cliffs in Cabo da Roca while attempting to snap the perfect selfie. I mean, seriously, people, can we not take a selfie without risking our lives? It’s a damn shame.

These cliffs, supposedly famous for their breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean, went from beautiful backdrop to a chilling scene of tragedy. All because this couple couldn’t resist crossing a safety barrier for that oh-so-important selfie. I hope that selfie was worth it. Not.

According to Captain Dario Pinto Moreira, Mr. Safety Expert overseeing the port at Cascais, those lovebirds slipped. Yes, folks, slipping on cliffs is a thing apparently. I wouldn’t have guessed that crossing safety barriers and tiptoeing along precarious cliffs could lead to disaster. Just when you thought common sense was common.

Emergency services were alerted by a Spanish couple who witnessed the horror show on Saturday evening. Kudos to them for being responsible human beings. However, because of the rising tide – because nature just loves to add insult to injury – the recovery operation had to wait till Sunday. As if the situation wasn’t tragic enough, the couple’s young children, aged five and six, had to witness the whole damn thing. They’re now under psychiatric care, trying to heal from the trauma. My heart breaks for those little ones.

Apparently, this Polish family had been living in Portugal for quite some time, according to Monika Dulian, the consul of Poland in Lisbon. Well, let’s hope the country they called home can provide support and solace in this difficult time. Relatives have been informed and are on their way to Portugal, but really, what can you say or do in the face of such devastating loss?

Alright, bold babes, listen up. As much as we love chasing the perfect photo and capturing memories, we need to remember that no selfie is worth risking our lives. This incident is just another tragic reminder that trying to do risky stunts for that Instagram-worthy shot can have severe consequences. Let’s prioritize our safety, follow the damn safety measures, and exercise caution, especially in precarious environments. We want to explore the world, but we also want to come back in one piece, right?

So, there you have it, folks – the wonderful world of dangerous deadliest selfies, where risking life and limb for the perfect shot is just another day at the office. Remember, next time you’re tempted to scale a skyscraper, dive with sharks, or taunt a charging bull, maybe just stick to a good old-fashioned selfie with your dog. It’s safer, and your furry friend won’t judge you for risking your life for a selfie.

So, for all you who feel the need to take dangerous selfies, thank you!  We that are still amongst the living are thoroughly entertained, even if you are trampled by that super friendly, fuzzy buffalo.  So, if you’re willing, go for it…the rest of us will continue to write about it 😉   Travel Till You Drop

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Hi! I’m Jill, a Dallas, Texas girl traveling the world. After a career in the Air Force and touring over 50 countries later, my need to explore keeps going! It’s time to rock & roll and find all those places I never knew I was missing.

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